Monday, May 3, 2010

Kicking Dogs, and Raising Fists to Women is NOT COOL

Ok, so my bad last night that I took my dogs out sans leash for their last pees of the evening. I've been kind of doing this for almost 9 months now with no issues because there is never anyone around that time of night and only once did they run off briefly to chase a cat. I can walk them completely around the block with them prancing behind or beside me. My dogs are very good off leash, following me around (except for that one cat issue). In fact, they are better off leash then on leash - especially Abby. She has been known to be cranky on leash. Anyways, I know I am not suppose to do that, but I've seen others in my hood do it so I am not the only one...anyways...

Now, my dogs have been attacked by other owners dogs - and the most I did was yell. NEVER in my LIFE would I EVER kick or hit a dog (unless blood was being split) nor would I raise a fist to the owner. Last night as I walked my dogs for their final pee I noticed a man coming out of the apartment across the street with a little yorkie-type dog. I immediate went to rally my dogs to bring them home. I had Abby a good chunk of the way, and viewed Guinness standing "Wire Fox Terrier" like curious as usual. The man walking his wee dog had attitude from opening the door to the apartment. He viewed my little cute fuzzy dog off leash looking curiously at him and his doggie, he mumbled something aggressive, then Guinness - curious little cuse that he is - ventured over to sniff dog. He let out a wee growl because of vibe the man was giving off but stood a good 3 ft away. The Man then attempted to kick Guinness, who immediately , maybe grazed by his foot, wandered back to me.

The man then proceeded to chastise (and swear at me) that my "aggressive" dog should be on leash. If you know Guinness - well you know that is utterly laughable. He is the sweetest, most non-aggressive, sweetheart of a dog. Oh of course as soon as he "kicked" Guinny boy, Abby was wandering over since that is her son. She went over with her usual, "I am going to growl, a bit then sniff your dog before I ignore it" yet she didn't even have time. In one swift movement the man KICKED Abby in the head. KICKED her. She backed away. He yelled at me, saying "you have two aggressive dogs on one dog", which was laughable as Guinness had clearly moved away scared. I moved in saying "I can't believe you just kicked my dog!" He RAISED his fist as if to hit me. I recoiled, shocked. Grabbed my dog as he swore "fuck you" at me. And I returned that phrasing in shock and horror.

It all happened so fast I can't remember everything that happened after that except a few f-words passed by him, then by me because I just was in shock at him having kicked my dog. Then I think I yelled something about "i should charge you for pet Cruelty". I picked up Abby and walked home.

Not sure what Tim will do when next he sees this guy - but he was PISSED. But what I couldn't believe, and what I still can't believe - kicking dogs aside - is that the man RAISED HIS FIST to STRIKE ME. ME, in glasses, a girl, just yelling that I couldn't believe he kicked a dog. Makes me think this guy is a wife beater or something.

I think next time I see him (with my dogs on leash of course) I am going to yell "Kick any dogs, or beat any women today ? "

Any suggestions on what else I should say to him?
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