Is there such a thing as Bloggers block? I think that is what I have. I mean there is a ton of things going on, I just don’t know how, what or why to jot it down.
Maybe it is because I am a bit overwhelmed after staring at my calendar from now until about mid June. I do not have one night off…not one. Ok MAYBE one. The thing is I cannot help myself when it comes to theatre, and to think about what could potentially be my theatre season with the play prospects is very very exciting to me. Now that my name has sort of gotten “out there” and I am being asked to audition for stuff…I have to take the rings and go as who knows how long that will last. If I don’t go, and it seems I have a good chance of getting these very good roles, then basically I’d start back at square one. That is how it is in Theatre unfortunately. You have to take the opportunities as they come. And if I am in demand, I should embrace that.
On a very exciting note though, I am patiently waiting for that phone call that says that my new niece/nephew is on her/his way. I was asked by my sister-in-Law if I’d like to be a part of the delivery with my mom and her mom (an aunt Monique…but I think Monique is going to pass…or pass-out if she went). Everything will be dropped for this once in a lifetime event for me. Looks like the wee babe will be forced out of the womb, poor lamb. I don’t like leaving a nice warm shower or bath, so I can just imagine the baby’s head is close to the exit point and he/she saying “ya know what…you gotta force me outta hear ‘cause this is WAY too comfy and warm”. I hear ya kid, I hear ya…sometimes it might have been better to stay in the womb with all the adult “stuff” one has to deal with.
But I can’t wait, and I am hoping it’s a nice easy birth for Lisa….she deserves it after the pregnancy she’s had. And I hope Aiden isn’t to jealous of his new sibling. I know Marc wanted to give me away to any one who looked my way….but I think he loves me now….I mean if it hadn’t been for me he would have gotten in so much trouble for all those parties he threw because he wouldn’t have had me to clean up! So siblings are really crucial if you want to party.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
WOW I'm Busy!
Haven’t written for the blog in a bit so I’ll fill it what is going on. I am the Apprentice Director for the last show of The Ottawa Little Theatre’s season, The Ladies of the Camellias. We just replaced the young guy who was playing Ivan so had to get him up to speed (and man can this guy learn fast which is fantastic). It is going pretty good. If I was directing I’d now focus on bits that are slower/sloppier then others, then go back to running Acts but I am not the director.
Tonight I start Level I Agility with my young Wire Fox Terrier Guinness (my little cutie pie) and his sister Lola is in the class as well. She likes to harass the Guin-man so I am curious as to how the class will run….should be pretty funny. But then I have to run off to OLT for rehearsal.
Tomorrow I finally start rehearsing with Vision Theatre for their Ottawa Fringe Festival show, One Acts with David Ives. It’s going to be very fun, and their new Season is fantastic! And some of the OLT rehearsal conflict with the Fringe rehearsals…so now have to negotiate that.
Tim and I have auditions for our One Acts with Tototoo in June as we have to get in before summer vacations. We want to at least cast one of the shows so people can just go off and research, learn lines, figure out characters (well, one hopes they do that).
Then Tim and I have to go out to Alexandria very soon so he can see the Wedding site of my friend Deanna – whom he is taking pictures for. And I am in the wedding party which is in June. Plus, Tim has started assisting Mark Webster from Tototoo on some weekends doing his Sports photography, and Tim continues to write his play, and now will start researching a Memoir about Stewart MacDonald (a very very interesting chap who actually found some new species of birds in the far north, plus a bunch of other things.). Plus he wants to get involved in some Flickr photography group (with his snazzy new Nikon D300). Anyways this summer, and year could prove to be very very very busy.
I am also going to be workshopping a new play by my friend Riley with Vision Theatre, and maybe getting an audition with Evolution theatre for their September show, as well as a 2 week vacation in PEI – which includes a 6 day acting workshop. God I can’t wait to hang in the hammock in July…..Calgon take me away!
Tonight I start Level I Agility with my young Wire Fox Terrier Guinness (my little cutie pie) and his sister Lola is in the class as well. She likes to harass the Guin-man so I am curious as to how the class will run….should be pretty funny. But then I have to run off to OLT for rehearsal.
Tomorrow I finally start rehearsing with Vision Theatre for their Ottawa Fringe Festival show, One Acts with David Ives. It’s going to be very fun, and their new Season is fantastic! And some of the OLT rehearsal conflict with the Fringe rehearsals…so now have to negotiate that.
Tim and I have auditions for our One Acts with Tototoo in June as we have to get in before summer vacations. We want to at least cast one of the shows so people can just go off and research, learn lines, figure out characters (well, one hopes they do that).
Then Tim and I have to go out to Alexandria very soon so he can see the Wedding site of my friend Deanna – whom he is taking pictures for. And I am in the wedding party which is in June. Plus, Tim has started assisting Mark Webster from Tototoo on some weekends doing his Sports photography, and Tim continues to write his play, and now will start researching a Memoir about Stewart MacDonald (a very very interesting chap who actually found some new species of birds in the far north, plus a bunch of other things.). Plus he wants to get involved in some Flickr photography group (with his snazzy new Nikon D300). Anyways this summer, and year could prove to be very very very busy.
I am also going to be workshopping a new play by my friend Riley with Vision Theatre, and maybe getting an audition with Evolution theatre for their September show, as well as a 2 week vacation in PEI – which includes a 6 day acting workshop. God I can’t wait to hang in the hammock in July…..Calgon take me away!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Doggy Tail...or Tale

Here is an interesting doggy story....
My neighbour Ron, who just lost his 6 yr old Golden Retriver to cancer 4 weeks ago, adopted a 6 year old retired breeding female and picked her up last Saturday. Seems all was going well. Papillon, or Pappi for short, had always lived in a kennel with straw in a barn on a breeding farm to those who only bred Goldens. She’d never been housetrained, never slept in a bed, never climbed stairs, never met another dog breed other then Goldens, never been in a car etc etc. How happy was she to meet Ron….I met her onTuesday and she adores her new owner. She’d listen to him and wag, and rub up against him affectionately waiting to be told what to do and be petted. And why wouldn’t she, he is so nice and you can tell he adores animals.
“Well all was going well” he said when I met him Tuesday with Pappi, but he said she was acting strange, digging, etc. Abby (my usually cranky terrier) seemed to like her and was sniffing her "thingy" (or doggy vajayjay) and I asked if she was coming into heat, as Abby knows these things having had heats and a litter of pups herself. He said he didn't think she was. But he thought, she acting strange today digging a lot and just being off.
Well I dropped off my pooches today at doggy daycare where they know Ron, as they used to groom Riley (the one he lost recently) and I was telling the doggie daycare lady about his issues with the new dog. I was saying how he has to treat her as if she were a rescue, be patient etc. Well she said "she's doing fine now". I said "why....."
Well turns out Pappi had 2 puppies last night .....they were born April 30th...hence why she was acting weird and digging the other day (she was nesting, getting ready to give birth). And ...funny Abby knew......that was why she was sniffing her so intently.
Anyways, apparently the puppies are doing well, and Pappi is a good mommy. Ron, her new owner, is dotting on her and babies. And he's keeping all 3 dogs. Apparently the breeder didn't know she was prego...GIVE ME A BREAK...she either knew and didn't want to deal with it, or she/he are TERRIBLE breeders. They just lost a WAD of cash through their stupidity. I mean, I had a pregnant dog in my house you KNOW they are pregnant. I won’t go into details why you know, just trust me that you figure it out. And being breeders with experience you’d think before they sell her off as a retired dog, they’d check her over…HELLO not hard to tell at that point.
Well at least he is getting his money's worth eh? Now he has Pappi and two wee wriggly little puppies...many laughs await him!
Now, can I rant about backyard breeders (which this one must be in this case) and puppy mills. They make me sick to my stomach. That is why when we bought ours or were looking into buying ours we not only researched the breed, but also where to buy. If a breeder says “yes, come right away I have many puppies right now”, or they say “I sell Goldens, and Bichons, and Yorkies, and this and that and that…” walk away….they are either backyard breeders or puppy mills out to make a prophet. The poor dogs live in terrible conditions and all they do is breed in small enclosures…..NEVER buy from them or pet stores (who get their puppies from puppy mills etc and JACK UP the prices). Do your research. Not only will you get a more healthy dog who will probably live longer, but you will be supporting those who truly care about dogs. If a breeder is grilling you and interviewing you and deciding if you are worthy to have one of their dogs, THAT is a good breeder.
The breeder of my dogs is an amazing woman. We went through that process with her Wire Fox Terriers, and she even admited to me that if she doesn't like a person, she will try and stear them away from wanting a Fox Terrier. (that is nice of her, some will actually say "no you are not worthy to have one of my dogs")
When my dog Abby had her litter of 7 puppies a year and a half ago, my breeder took a week off work (she raises the puppies in her house). One of the pups was lame for a time, and would have normally died. My breeder got up every 2 hours and personally held him to my dog Abby to make sure he fed. She’d mix up pablum with evaporated milk and water at 4 weeks to transition the puppies to food. She’d get into the room on the floor and play with them on the floor. She kept saying how she’d just love to keep all of them (of course you can’t that would be madness). And she treated my dog with so much love and affection as if she were her own, I thought Abby wouldn’t come home – Abby wanted to come home, still even though she does like to go visit my breeders house and gets all excited…YAY she loves us. Anyways, that is the way it should be done…with care and love, and health and all.
I am glad I met my breeder…..she’ll be my dog supplier until she breeds dogs no more….plus that means Tim and I will always have a wee bit of Abby in our lives for years to come even after her time has come. That is pretty rare and special actually.
So the lesson today boys and your research, don't buy from backyard breeders, petstores, or puppy mills...lets put those bad people out of business!!!!
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