Tuesday, May 6, 2008

WOW I'm Busy!

Haven’t written for the blog in a bit so I’ll fill it what is going on. I am the Apprentice Director for the last show of The Ottawa Little Theatre’s season, The Ladies of the Camellias. We just replaced the young guy who was playing Ivan so had to get him up to speed (and man can this guy learn fast which is fantastic). It is going pretty good. If I was directing I’d now focus on bits that are slower/sloppier then others, then go back to running Acts but I am not the director.

Tonight I start Level I Agility with my young Wire Fox Terrier Guinness (my little cutie pie) and his sister Lola is in the class as well. She likes to harass the Guin-man so I am curious as to how the class will run….should be pretty funny. But then I have to run off to OLT for rehearsal.

Tomorrow I finally start rehearsing with Vision Theatre for their Ottawa Fringe Festival show, One Acts with David Ives. It’s going to be very fun, and their new Season is fantastic! And some of the OLT rehearsal conflict with the Fringe rehearsals…so now have to negotiate that.

Tim and I have auditions for our One Acts with Tototoo in June as we have to get in before summer vacations. We want to at least cast one of the shows so people can just go off and research, learn lines, figure out characters (well, one hopes they do that).

Then Tim and I have to go out to Alexandria very soon so he can see the Wedding site of my friend Deanna – whom he is taking pictures for. And I am in the wedding party which is in June. Plus, Tim has started assisting Mark Webster from Tototoo on some weekends doing his Sports photography, and Tim continues to write his play, and now will start researching a Memoir about Stewart MacDonald (a very very interesting chap who actually found some new species of birds in the far north, plus a bunch of other things.). Plus he wants to get involved in some Flickr photography group (with his snazzy new Nikon D300). Anyways this summer, and year could prove to be very very very busy.

I am also going to be workshopping a new play by my friend Riley with Vision Theatre, and maybe getting an audition with Evolution theatre for their September show, as well as a 2 week vacation in PEI – which includes a 6 day acting workshop. God I can’t wait to hang in the hammock in July…..Calgon take me away!

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