Tuesday, October 20, 2009

H1N1 and Propaganda - Educate before you Vaccinate!

Ok I haven't blogged in a long long time. YES alright I admit I am a bad blogger obviously.

However I have something I want to share before the stupid propaganda swine flu vaccine is out for public consumption.

I have never gotten the Flu Shot and have never gotten the flu. I am one who likes to go natural. I take my Greens Plus Multi - granted that is not uber natural but it is made with all natural products, and it works. I do nasal irrigation (Nettie Pot) which keeps the snot away and keeps the nasal passages nice clean (good for allergy suffers!), I take cold FX or Mucco Coccinum- again not super natural like just eating food but natural enough. I also eat well, drink water etc. I rarely get a cold and when I start I admit I take my steroid puffer as I have asthma, and that helps make my cold very managable (no infection).

This year is no exception. I will not get the flu shot AND I wasn't planning on getting this H1N1 either because I think the media is OOC. But my feelings were solidified after speaking with my friend who is high up in PSEP (Public Safety - Canada's verison of Homeland Security). She said there was no way she'd get the vaccine and she is working on the H1N1 file ....she said "NO WAY, I don't trust it". She has Top Secret Clearance. when I know someone voice a concern like that who has Top Secret Clearance on a file like that....it makes we wonder and worried. A poll also suggests 50% of doctors won't take it either.

Why am I posting this. Because I wouldn't want to see anyone have bad adverse reactions to this fast tracked vaccine. I've attached some handy video links below - although there are many more to be found. Check out the creepy 1976 Propaganda vid on getting the Swine Flu shot.....

Creepy Ad

60 minutes report

Dr. Ron Paul pipes in on Out of Control Panic

I would wait personally until the first round has been implemented or maybe don't take it at all. My high up friend even admits it hasn't even been properly tested and has been pushed through. I mean have you noticed all the Purell stations all over now? Guess who makes it/owns it? Pfizer and TIME WARNER.......big money, I hear big money! Big Pharma stands to make billions from this panic.

Another red flag for me is that my mother in laws husband has Gulf War Syndrome. He is from England and when he went over to Iraq for the First Gulf War in the 90's he was vaccinated against chemical warfare. Those vaccinations have since lead to him developing a form of MS. He hardly can walk now. I won't go into his sordid details.

Here are some Truths that I have found out :

1. The flu is mild, so I don’t need to worry about getting a vaccine.
This is TRUE. The H1N1 flu is mild compared to the seasonal flu which kills some 30,000 people per year in the US alone. There has been no indication that more people than usual are getting the flu or dying from it.“It’s mildest in kids. That’s one of the really good pieces of news in this pandemic,” Dr Marc Lipsitch of Harvard University told a meeting of flu experts being held by the U.S. Institute of Medicine last month. In Canada too, the virus does not seem to be spreading quickly, a fact that has prompted the country’s top public health official to put the brakes on an early rollout of the H1N1 vaccine.The virus could still mutate into something worse, but if it does that, the current vaccine will most likely be rendered obsolete anyway.

2. Since my region was hit hard in the spring, there won’t be a big reemergence this flu season.
TRUE The New York Times itself reported on the fact that doctors and health officials in areas that were subjected to H1N1 flu last spring are seeing very little evidence to suggest that the virus is returning in a much predicted “second wave”.It is the theory of Dr. Thomas A. Farley, New York City’s health commissioner, and the doctor cited in the Times’ debunking piece, that up to 40% of the city’s population may have developed immunity to the virus.

3. The vaccine will be available too late to do any good.
Somewhat true. In Canada there are legitimate concerns that the vaccines are simply going to be too late to stop any spread of the virus. These concerns were published in the peer reviewed journal Science.The vaccine may not do any good anyway because it is based on “mock up” vaccines that were produced in 2007 and 2008 for the H5N1 strain of influenza, not H1N1.Even if the vaccine produces antibodies, that’s not the same thing as real-world immunity from a live virus, especially if the virus mutates.As Mike Adams has pointed out in a recent article, statistically speaking the average American is 40 times more likely to be struck by lightning than to have their life saved by a swine flu vaccine.

4. The vaccine is unsafe, it could have dangerous side effects.
The inserts to the H1N1 vaccines all state that it could cause all manner of adverse effects, including guillain-barre syndrome, vasculitis, anaphylactic shock and even death.Why would the drug companies put that in the insert to the vaccine itself if it was a “myth”?If it was a myth that the vaccines could cause side effects then why would the government waste time establishing an extensive tracking system to watch for side effects?

5. I can catch flu from the vaccine.
The first available vaccines, in the form of nasal mist, contain live H1N1 virus. Their use could actually spur the spread of the virus where there is otherwise little activity, according to some medical experts. A Canadian study led by Dr Danuta Skowronski of the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control and Dr Gaston De Serres of Laval University, Quebec has also found that seasonal flu jabs could double the risk of developing swine flu. The World Health Organisation has dismissed the research as inconclusive, however some provincial and territorial public health authorities in Canada, including those in Ontario, have expressed great concern, leading to threats to delay or cancel mass vaccination programs.

6. The vaccine is untested.
Manufacturers rushed the production of the vaccine to get it to the market. The vaccine has been fast tracked. The pharmaceutical companies themselves admit that there is “no clinical experience in the elderly, in children or in adolescents” with their new vaccines.

7. The vaccine contains a dangerous adjuvant, a chemical added to enhance the immune response.
Both the Novartis and Glaxo-Smith Kline injectible vaccines will contain squalene adjuvants to boost immunogenicity and dramatically reduce the amount of viral antigen needed, meaning more vaccines can be produced. Again, the New York Times itself reported on this last month.There will be non adjuvanted H1N1 vaccines available, but there will not be enough for the projected number of people who have said they will get the vaccine. Experts on Gulf War Syndrome have pointed out that the official, Congressionally-chartered Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses found evidence of a link between squalene and Gulf War Syndrome which warranted further study. Micropaleontologist Dr. Viera Scheibner, who conducted research into the adverse effects of adjuvants in vaccines, wrote the following about squalene, as highlighted in researcher Stephen Lendman’s article on the adjuvant:Squalene “contributed to the cascade of reactions called “Gulf War syndrome. (GIs developed) arthritis, fibromyalgia, lymphadenopathy, rashes, photosensitive rashes, malar rashes, chronic fatigue, chronic headaches, abnormal body hair loss, non-healing skin lesions, aphthous ulcers, dizziness, weakness, memory loss, seizures, mood changes, neuropsychiatric problems, anti-thyroid effects, anaemia, elevated ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, ALS, Raynaud’s phenomenon, Sjorgren’s syndrome, chronic diarrhea, night sweats and low-grade fever.”As vaccine expert Dr. Meryl Nass has pointed out, since none of the US trials have so far used novel adjuvants, they fail to provide any information about the safety of adjuvanted vaccines. Senior neurologists have also voiced concerns over the adjuvants in the vaccines.

8. The vaccine contains a dangerous preservative containing ethyl mercury
Again this is not a myth. As the Washington Post reported in the Summer, “Some of the vaccine will be stored in multi-dose vials containing thimerosal, an antibacterial additive that contains mercury”.The vaccine inserts also list thimerosal in the vaccine’s ingredients.Scientific studies have shown a direct relationship between thimerosal in flu shots and neurological disorders.Cases of the neural development disorder autism amongst children have doubled since 2003, in line with an increase in the amount of thimerosal-containing childhood vaccines. Epidemiologist Tom Verstraeten and Dr. Richard Johnston, an immunologist and pediatrician from the University of Colorado, both concluded that thimerosal was responsible for the dramatic rise in cases of autism, however, their findings were dismissed by the CDC. Further studies have shown a decline in neurodevelopmental disorders after the removal of thimerosal-containing vaccines.The science needs further study, that is clear, but to outright reject that the vaccines even contain the questionable substance is the stuff of farce. Why are we even having the debate if this is a “myth”?

9. I can get medicine if I do get sick, so the vaccine is not necessary
It is up to the individual or parent to choose whether to get the vaccine for themselves or their child. Saying that people who feel it is not necessary for them and their kids are wrong doesn’t make it so. It is beyond the authority of a school or the government to surreptitiously teach a child that vaccines are necessary.

Educate before you Vaccinate!

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